I would like to right away clear one perception that is going around the world that terrorism is somehow synonymous with our religion Islam. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The real way of addressing and uprooting terrorism in its entirety is to get to the root of the tree, and where does this root of this tree lie? The root of this tree lies in all the political disputes going around the world and these political disputes involve injustices, which cause a sense of deprivation, a sense of powerlessness, a sense of hopelessness.
Throw in the poverty experienced by those affected by political disputes and all, this then leads to extreme acts of terrorism. So I personally feel that if we are to address the issue of terrorism, we must address, get to the root of the tree, resolve political disputes around the world as the conflict of Kashmir and Palestine being the major disputes of the world. The terrorists who carried out the atrocities on September 11 in the United States were not motivated by religion, if we analyze the criminals of the terrorist attacks of 11 September, not one of them was religiously motivated, and anyone who did that was just because of their own benefit and it’s a mystery that who have done this I personally feel that there is a political incidence lies behind this, We know for a fact that all of them enjoyed themselves in a pub or a bar the previous evening and then went in for this terrorist attack. That was certainly not a religious act. Basically, it was a political cause which led them to this extreme act of taking their own lives and perpetrating misery on innocent people from all over the world which was most condemnable. So we as a Muslims need to tell the world that the terrorist do not belong to us.